Contact Us

Got your bat house installed and want to send us a picture, just send it to us as an attachment to an email.  We will make sure it gets to the appropriate person.



Got a question.  Send it to us.  We try to answer emails within 24-48 hours during normal business days.


Pictures and questions may be used on our website or in a video for educational purposes.


Other ways to contact us…

Reach us on our dedicated “BAT PHONE“:  770-500-2851 

Our office hours are variable, depending on the type of work needed at the moment.  If we do not answer right away, please leave a message.  Sometimes, we are in a location that does not have phone service, or we may be conducting a workshop or other type of educational session, or we are working in the shop, which is very loud.  We apologize for any inconvenience; but, we will return your call as soon as we are able.

Solicitations and spam are not welcome.




[If you know our street address, please do not stop by unannounced. We are not setup for visitors and we have strange hours.  All of our displays are packed and only viewable at a program or event.  We do not have viewable live bats at our location.  We do not sell bat houses at this location.  There are dogs on the premises. ]